I'm currently trying to work through a backlog of things I've been meaning to blog about. And at the top is this post. The whole experience deserves being wrapped up properly. But I'll keep it brief.
When last I wrote about it, I was somewhere in the middle of week 6, working with clojure. This is probably my favourite of the languages in terms of learning new things and offering new perspectives while also having enough momentum that I might actually be able to do something with it at some point. I really hope this doesn't fall victim to my inherent lazyness.
The last week dealt with Haskell. At this point I was so busy with moving apartments and starting my new job that I barely managed to read the chapter but didn't get to try the examples. It sounded interesting but maybe a bit too strict. Others in the study group seemed to like it a lot though.
So, what's left to say. I really appreciated the study group and being able to learn from other people's code on github.
I enjoyed the weekly google hangout sessions with the others, when I was able to join them. I particulary liked how aimee facilitated those, keeping track of threads of discussions and making sure everybody got to say something.
The book requires quite a bit of commitment to get the most out of it but where I did that I felt it was well worth it.
I certainly recommend doing this together with other people. And share your experience with the world.
All in all, I stick to what I said in my first post on this.We live in amazing times!